Course curriculum

    1. Elevated Tasks® Release and Waiver from Liability

    2. Release and Waiver from Liability

    1. Enrollment Period is 21 Days!

    2. Short Pre-Course Survey

    3. Adjusting Audio Playback Speed Video

    4. Downloading Files & Course Content

    5. Welcome to W.A.H.S.P.

    6. Quiz - Welcome to WAHSP

    1. Ladders

    2. Video - Ladder safety basics

    3. Quiz - Ladders

    1. Roof Anatomy

    2. Quiz - Roof Anatomy

    1. Harnesses, Ropes & Equipment

    2. Video - Anchor points for steep slope roof systems

    3. Video - Carabiners styles and uses

    4. Video - Harness inspection and maintenance

    5. Video - Knots and rope for various work scenarios

    6. RSS Rugged Structural Screws Spec Sheet MOM

    7. Petzl Newton MOM

    8. Petzl Astro Bod Fast MOM

    9. Quiz - Harnesses, Ropes & Equipment

    1. OSHA Rules & Regulations

    2. Quiz - OSHA Rules & Regulations

About this course

  • $345.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today